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erw piping

ERW pipe stands for Electric Resistance Welding pipe. A flat strip of metal is rolled into a tube to form these pipes. Then, the metal is heated up. Then it is passed through electricity to connect the edges. This process generates a highly durable pipe. ERW piping is commonly utilised in construction and factories, or anywhere that requires strong pipes.

The advantages and limitations of ERW piping

The great advantage of ERW piping is that it can be manufactured rapidly and inexpensively. It saves a lot of time and money on projects. Moreover, piping made by ERW is extremely durable. Its resistant against heat, cold and pressure. You can see how companies in industries such as oil and gas, transportation, and manufacturing would benefit greatly from this. However, ERW piping also has some disadvantages. The most significant constraint is that it is not applicable for use in extremely high pressure environments. Just something to consider in your decision of using ERW piping in your project.

Why choose Ruijie erw piping?

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