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Epoxy Coal Tar Coating Steel Pipe

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Epoxy Coal Tar Coating Steel Pipe

Product Description

Epoxy coal pitch anti-corrosion steel pipe is a widely used steel pipe anti-corrosion technology, which provides anti-corrosion protection by coating the surface of steel pipes with epoxy coal pitch coating. The following are some key features and applications of epoxy coal pitch anti-corrosion steel pipes:

Epoxy coal pitch anti-corrosion steel pipe is a widely used steel pipe anti-corrosion technology, which provides anti-corrosion protection by coating the surface of steel pipes with epoxy coal pitch coating. The following are some key features and applications of epoxy coal pitch anti-corrosion steel pipes:

Anti-corrosion performance: Epoxy coal pitch coating has excellent adhesion, toughness, resistance to moisture, water and chemical media, and can effectively prevent various ions from penetrating the paint film, thereby providing good anti-corrosion effects.

Service life: The thickness of the anti-corrosion layer of epoxy coal pitch anti-corrosion steel pipes is generally 200~300UM, and its service life is generally more than 20 years. It can even reach 25 years under high temperature conditions, which is longer than the service life of ordinary steel pipes.

Easy construction: Epoxy coal asphalt coating is easy to construct and can be constructed manually or mechanically. It is especially suitable for on-site use. Coated at room temperature and cured naturally, the coating is smooth, dense, hard, and has strong adhesion.

High-performance coating: Epoxy coal pitch coating is a high-performance anti-corrosion coating with good wear resistance and anti-breakage performance, and good resistance to environmental stress cracking. It is a cost-effective pipeline material.

Scope of application: In addition to being used for the outer wall anti-corrosion of buried or underwater steel oil, gas, water supply, and heating pipelines, it is also suitable for various types of steel structures, docks, ships, sluices, gas storage tanks, and refinery and chemical plant equipment. Anti-corrosion and waterproofing and anti-leakage of concrete structures such as concrete pipes, sewage pools, roof waterproofing layers, bathrooms, and basements.

Classification: The epoxy coal tar anti-corrosion layer is divided into general anti-corrosion, enhanced anti-corrosion (one cloth and three oils), and special enhanced anti-corrosion (two cloths and four oils). The internal and external epoxy coal tar anti-corrosion steel pipes are usually coated with a film thickness of more than 300 μm. .

Technical standards: The technical indicators of epoxy coal pitch coatings comply with China's oil and gas industry standards SY/T 0447-96 and SY/T 0457-2000, and also comply with the requirements of the American Water Works Association standard AWWA C210-03.

Product composition: The components of epoxy coal pitch coating are epoxy coal pitch primer and topcoat. It uses epoxy resin and coal pitch as the main film-forming materials, and adds various anti-rust pigments, insulating fillers, toughening agents, and fluids. Made of leveling agent, thinner, anti-settling agent, etc.

Market application: Epoxy coal pitch anti-corrosion steel pipes have been widely used in the construction of buried pipelines at home and abroad due to their excellent anti-corrosion properties and long service life.

To sum up, epoxy coal pitch anti-corrosion steel pipes have been widely used in the field of pipeline anti-corrosion due to their excellent anti-corrosion performance, long service life and simple construction technology.

Anti-corrosion layer grade and structure
Grade Structure Dry film thickness (mm)
normal type Bottom paint - surface paint - surface paint - surface paint ≥0.30
Enhanced Bottom paint - surface paint - surface paint, glass cloth, surface paint - surface paint ≥0.40
Specially enhanced Bottom paint - surface paint - surface paint, glass cloth, surface paint - surface paint, glass cloth, surface paint - surface paint ≥0.6

Anti-corrosion layer technical indicators
No. Items Index Testing Method
1 Shear bond strength(MPa) ≥4 SYJ 41—89
2 Cathodic stripping (level) 1~3 SYJ 37—89
3 Power frequency electrical strength(MV/m) ≥20 Appendix A
4 Volume resistivity(Ω.m) ≥1×1010 Appendix B
5 water absorption(25℃,24h)(%) <0.4 Appendix C
6 Oil resistance (kerosene. room temperature. 7d) pass Appendix D
7 Boiling water resistance(24h) pass Appendix E

The width of the Glass cloth
Pipe diameter(DN)(㎜) ≤250 250~500 ≥500
cloth width(㎜) 100~250 400 500

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